01/04/2013 by Nitesh

How to Disable User Registrations in Drupal 6

Friends, We all face the issue of spam registrations on our websites. Many of the times, we want to disable user registrations on the website. This post details how the same can be done in Drupal. Drupal allows the following different settings for user registrations – Only site administrators can create new user accounts. Visitors…

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14/02/2013 by Nitesh

Enable-Disbale Drupal module using Drush

Friends, When working with Drupal, modules are like the bat and ball for programmers. In development phase, we have to disable/re-enable a module hundreds of time before the module is finalized. Drush is a very strong shell script that allows us to do several daily basis jobs in Drupal from command line. Once installed on…

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25/11/2011 by Nitesh

Clear Cache of all Drupal subdomains using Drush

Friends, Imagine you are working on a Apache server that has around hundreds of subdomains and run from a single codebase using Drupal CMS and you need to clear the inbuilt cache of all subdomains without restarting the server. to solve this, there is a utility tool named as Drush. It is a command line…

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