14/09/2014 by Nitesh

How To Receive Files In Windows 8.1 Using Bluetooth


I use a Windows Phone 8.1 and recently I needed to transfer some files to my Laptop running Windows 8.1 using Bluetooth. I started Bluetooth in my laptop but I could not see a direct menu item to receive files from my phone. When I tried sending files from my phone, it said “The device you’re trying to send to doesn’t support sharing over Bluetooth”. I was stuck for a while and then found a solution over Internet. Here is the solution.

  • In the Charms bar, search for fsquirt.exebluetooth1
  • Click Receive Files in the box belowbluetooth2
  • Now, send files from your phone to your machine.bluetooth3
  • The box will automatically start showing the transfer of files. bluetooth4
  • After all the files are transferred, it will ask you to save the files to a location.bluetooth5

You’re done!

Hope you like this! Keep learning & sharing! Cheers!
