29/09/2014 by Nitesh

How To List the Name of all Running Processes in C#

Friends, In this post, we will see how we can print the list of all running processes on a machine using C#. To list all the processes, we will use one of the namespaces provided by Microsoft known as System.Diagnostics. As per MSDN, this namespace provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes,…

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28/09/2014 by Nitesh

Solution: The data source does not support server-side data paging with GridView

Friends, While working with GridView, I faced an issue while binding the data to GridView. The error message read as “The data source does not support server-side data paging.“. Initially I thought this was related to paging functionality of the GridView and looked into that, but thatw as not the solution. After doing bit of…

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14/09/2014 by Nitesh

How To Receive Files In Windows 8.1 Using Bluetooth

Friends, I use a Windows Phone 8.1 and recently I needed to transfer some files to my Laptop running Windows 8.1 using Bluetooth. I started Bluetooth in my laptop but I could not see a direct menu item to receive files from my phone. When I tried sending files from my phone, it said “The…

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13/09/2014 by Nitesh

How To Copy Records from One DataTable to Another Datatable

Friends, There are certain scenarios where you have data in 2 different data tables and you want to merge the data of these data tables into one of them. In this post, we will see how this can be achieved using C# in very simple steps. The post assumes that the number of columns are…

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09/09/2014 by Nitesh

How To Implement Paging in GridView Control in ASP.Net

Friends, GridView is one of the most common tools for displaying data in a grid format in Asp.Net. When the data becomes large, paging helps the users to view chunks of data and also increases Page load time. In this post, we will see how can we implement Paging in a GridView control. So, lets…

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