13/10/2014 by Nitesh

How To Create a Responsive Menu Using HTML, CSS & jQuery

Friends, This is Part 5 of the series I started a long time back for creating menus, from simple to complex. In today’s era when smartphones are making a lead in browsing websites, adapting menus to smartphones and other devices is equally important. In this post, we will see how can we create a menu…

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04/05/2014 by Nitesh

How To Select Text and Value from Drop Down List in jQuery

Friends, This post is a very simple tip for getting the selected text and selected value from a drop down list using jQuery. A very common usage and we use it in almost every project that we do. To start with, let us consider we have a drop-down list with ID “numbers”. The DOM structure…

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28/04/2014 by Nitesh

How to Create a Horizontal Hierarchical Menu Using HTML, CSS and jQuery

Friends, This is Part 2 of the series to create hierarchical menus. You can see the 1st part “How to Create a Hierarchical Menu Using HTML And CSS” here. This post will explain how to create a multi level menu using HTML, CSS and a bit of jQuery. So, lets get started. We will use…

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23/04/2014 by Nitesh

Blog Post Series: Creating Menus – Simple to Complex

Dear Friends, As the title says, today I am going to start a blog posts series where we will be learning to create menus. We will start with creating simple menus and move to rather complex and complicated menus. I hope after going through the series you find yourself comfortable while creating any type of…

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16/03/2013 by Nitesh

Display Latest Tweets From A Twitter Account Using HTML & Javascript

Friends, In my last post I discussed about how to display tweets on your webpage in the most easiest way. This post will continue the Twitter series and deal with the situation when you want to load tweets of a specific user on the fly or at run time. The focus of this post is…

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