10/03/2013 by Nitesh

Display Latest Tweets From A Twitter Account Using HTML

Friends, Social media is one of the most engaging medium of communication today and every blogger wants to display tweets from his/her specific account on the website. This post briefs displaying your latest tweets on your website without knowledge of any programming language. You can just copy and paste the code and start displaying your…

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27/11/2012 by Nitesh

How to transform text from one case to another using javascript

Friends, This post will describe converting text from one case to another using javascript. In general programming, we need to convert a text to the following cases – Lower Case Upper Case Title Case We will see the conversion one by one below – To convert a text into lowercase using Javascript function toLowerCase(str) {…

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24/08/2012 by Nitesh

Simple Date validation using Regex in Javascript

Many of us find difficulties while validating the date field in JavaScript. This is a simple example where I will explain you the basics of validating a date field using JavaScript. So, follow the steps below and get date validated on your form in few minutes: In your JavaScript section of the HTML page, define…

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22/08/2012 by Nitesh

How to add a piece of Javascript just before the end of Form Tag in ASP.Net

In ASP.Net, we often require to add some piece of Javascript from Code-behind that should get added towards the end of <form> tag and not in the header of the form. For this, we need to use RegisterStartupScript function. The syntax to use the function is as below: Page.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),”key_for_script”, “alert(‘Hey! This gets alerted after the…

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